藥物資助 Medicinal Assistance


The Philanthropic Community Pharmacy of St. James Settlement
熱線: 2831 3289


HKACS Prof. H.C. Ho Memorial Assistance Programme
熱線: 3921 3821

仁愛堂莊舜而醫療基金 (治療癌症)

YOT Chong Sok Un Medical Fund (cancer aid)
熱線: 2430 1915

病人互助組織 Patient Group


Cancer Patient Alliance
熱線: 5111 2504


Hong Kong Cancer Fund – Friends of CancerFund
熱線: 3656 0800


熱線: 9645 0045

其他常用資源 Other Useful Resources


Hong Kong Liver Cancer And Gastrointestinal Cancer Foundation
熱線: 3689 7596


Canerinformation.com.hk Charity Foundation
熱線: 5206 7610
電郵: enqcharity@cancerinformation.com.hk


Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre
熱線: 2465 6006


Liver Center


The Hong Kong Liver Transplant Patients’ Association
熱線: 2566 4363


Cancer Patient Resource Centres and Patient Resource Centres are located in major public hospitals to provide information and assistance to patients. Please refer to the website of Hospital Authority for details.

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